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Nov 01 2022

The History of Cabbage Patch Kids

If you are ready for a bit of nostalgia, think back to when you had a Cabbage Patch Kid Doll! With the uniquely designed plastic head and soft cloth body, this is the iconic doll born from a cabbage patch. But did you know the story behind the popular Cabbage Patch Kids? It goes like this: Deep in a secret cabbage patch, these magical creatures, Bunnybees, fly around the sky. They like to fly over cabbage patches sprinkling their magic dust on all of the mommy cabbages. This allows the Cabbage Patch kids to be born in all shapes and sizes with all different colors and patterns. But what is the real story behind everyone’s beloved toy? Where and how did it all begin?

Oct 28 2022

5 Ways DIY Sets and Building Toys Help a Child’s Development

Building toys and DIY sets can help hone in on some of those skills a bit more specifically, encouraging the need for focus, patience, spatial awareness, and so on. Here are 5 specific ways building toys and DIY sets can help children’s development.

Oct 14 2022

The Origins of 5 of Our Classic Toys

The Origins of 5 of Our Classic Toys. Everything has an origin story, including some of our most popular toys! Check out the little-known stories behind some of your favorites.

Oct 01 2022

5 Ways Toys Help Children Learn

Toys provide far more than just fun for children. Here are 5 reasons why toys and free play are critical to a child's development.

Sep 30 2022

Gear Up for a Kid-friendly Halloween With These Favorites

As October rolls in, stores all over stock up on costumes, candy, and decorations for Halloween. Stock up on these favorites for a kid-friendly Halloween. Costumes are fun, but as a toy retail shop, you can provide real fun for the party. Here are some ideas to market for party favors or to hand out to trick-or-treaters!

Sep 17 2022

How to Optimize Toy Sales, Online or In-Store

How to Optimize Toy Sales, Online or In-Store. As November draws near, and people start thinking about the holidays, you need to start thinking about how to optimize sales for the holidays. Use these six tips to start planning your strategy now!

Sep 01 2022

Toy Fair New York 2023 Gets a New Fall Date?

??Fall is our new favorite season of the year because the Toy Fair New York 2023 has announced it is launching its very first fall marketplace! After 117 editions, this one is making headlines for a dramatic date shift from early in the year to later in the year. Here’s what you need to know about why the dates have changed and how these new dates could impact your marketplace visit.??

Aug 31 2022

Popular Travel Sized Toys that Offer Big Entertainment

School may be in, but travel plans are already in the works for fall and winter break. That means the problem of keeping the kids entertained while on the road or in the air is about to become a retailer’s challenge to solve. Don’t worry - we’ve got you covered! By keeping these toys in stock, parents will be able to find all of their child’s favorite travel-sized toys in one convenient location.

Aug 17 2022

5 Lessons You Learned from Playing Board Games

You probably played lots of board games with friends, family members, or classmates in school, but did you know you were learning valuable lessons while having fun? Check out how something as simple as a board game can add a tremendous impact on one’s growth and development that lasts a lifetime.?

Aug 01 2022

Best Selling Dolls in 2022

Every toy store should keep these popular dolls in stock! Here is the lineup of some are our 2022 best sellers that customers are shopping for online and off. Just don’t say we didn’t warn you when they fly off your shelves!

Jul 29 2022

The Hottest Selling Summer Toy Trends are at License 2 Play!

Whether you are a new retailer or you are searching for that next popular trend in the toy industry, you are in the right place! We have the hottest selling toys on the market after doing the research for you and bringing you items in these top sales categories.

Jul 15 2022

4 Different Types of Play and Their Top Benefits

Exploring different types of play is critical to developing and improving a large array of important skills in children. But, did you also know that play can bring kids together, bridge generational gaps, and help children learn empathy and compassion? Plus, playtime makes life lessons and family time fun! Come explore the four most common types of play and the many benefits they offer.