Toys such as dolls encourage children to learn the rules of social interaction, they offer challenging problems to solve with make-believe scenarios that are based on real-life, and they teach some very helpful caregiver skills to children with younger siblings or pets in the home. In this article, we will explore some fantastic toys that cry, move, talk or laugh while providing plenty of practice for our future caretaker generation. From dolls that seem more like real babies to furry creatures that wiggle, these top toy picks are sure to surprise and guide children throughout the early stages of their social and nurturing development.
Cry Babies
As the name suggests, these Cry Baby dolls are all about letting you know when they need some attention. Like real babies, they cry with real tears and can be soothed with a gentle rocking motion or a pacifier. When the pacifier is removed, the baby will shout and cry until the doll is rocked or the pacifier is once again back in its mouth. This doll offers excellent practice for older siblings of new babies because it teaches how to be gentle, patient and tolerant of the loud cry sounds. It may also help them better understand why the new baby takes a lot of mom and dad's time.
Little Live Babies
Speaking of realistic, the Little Live Babies talk, play Peek-A-Boo, go to the potty, crawl, walk, and clap hands! Made for children ages five and up, the actions the doll performs depends on the doll selected as each has its own talents. Best of all, these dolls are small enough to take anywhere! So, children do not have to leave their babies at home when they are running errands with their parents.
Little Live Pets
Like the Little Live Babies, the Little Live Pets also show off their talented skillsets. There are many types of animals in the Little Live Pets toy line. Children can entrust secrets to a secret-keeping bird that makes over 30 bird sounds! Those families thinking of bringing a puppy into the home will enjoy using these dogs to learn about what dogs do as they yap, scamper, and play ball. Then, there are the Kissing Puppies.
Dog toys that run around and play ball are cool, but taking typical dog behaviors to a new level by including signs of affection and loyalty is awesome! Kissing Puppies come with over 25 sounds and reactions, including licking and tail wagging. Future and current dog owners will flip!
Need more caretaking interaction? Check out the Cozy Dozys that like to be tickled, snuggled, patted on the head, and wrapped in a warm blanket. Cubbles, for example, is a brown snuggly soft bear who enjoys a nice swaddle and bedtime story. Children who want to explore the sweeter more rewarding side of being a caretaker may feel Cubbles is the best Little Live Pet for them. Cozy Dozys have 25 different sounds and reactions and fall asleep with the aid of the included pacifier.
Baby Secrets
Bathtime is also an important part of taking care of a baby. Baby Secrets come with their own bathtub so that children can learn more about hygiene and how to keep soap out of baby's eyes. As an added surprise, dip the diaper in the water-filled bathtub to reveal if the baby is a girl or boy. These small babies are easy to carry around when out of the home for continued playtime care.
Fur Babies
The biggest part of a caregiver's job is the loving attention he or she gives to the baby or pet. With eye wiggles and ear waggles, Fur Babies are lively and unique toy creatures that yearn to be held, pet and cuddled. In addition to the Little Live Babies and Baby Secrets, Fur Babies are the ideal size to go on quick trips to the grocery store or playground.
Despite the technological advances in this digital world, nothing can replace a toy in terms of teaching caretaking skills to children. The value of a comforting cuddle or swaddle, a pacifying motion, good hygiene habits, and more can be experienced with these creative toys in a way that better prepares children for the arrival of a younger sibling, pet ownership or someday becoming parents. After a little practice on these realistic toys, children can feel more confident in and excited about the possibility of their new nurturing role. The only real question is do you have enough of these toys ready for purchase?