Sales and revenues are dependent on convincing new and existing customers to shop at your store. Getting someone to buy involves two different processes. One, you have to get them to come in. Two, you have to make them an offer they can’t say no to. We’ll address how to do both here.
5 Suggestions for Getting Customers to Come to Your Store
1. Put Your Business on the Map
This seems like a no-brainer, but a lot of small business can’t be easily found on the map. For a customer to find your location, they must type in your complete address. But do you know how many people are using their Smartphones to find out where they’re going? If they’re in the area looking for something, and you’re on the map, too, you have a great chance of being found by accident. Additionally, the people who are trying to find your location will be happy that you’re making it so easy for them.
Putting yourself on the map doesn’t even cost anything. At the very least, you should add your store’s location to Google Maps and Yelp. You can even link your website to it and provide your phone number, allowing customers to get in touch while they’re out and about.
2. Partner Up with Other Businesses
Lots of people enjoy shopping locally, but it can be difficult for a small company to get the word out about their existence in the first place. Therefore, it makes sense to partner up with other businesses, even if they seem like competition at first. It’s quite possible they offer something you don’t and vice versa, which creates opportunities for customer referrals on both sides.
3. Ask for Referrals
If you’re trying to establish your new store or grow your customer base, you’re going to need help. You should ask your existing customers to review your business on sites like Yelp, but you can also ask them to send their friends and neighbors your way. If you offer an incentive for your customers and the newly referred customers, this strategy might work even better. It could be a coupon for their next visit or swag of some kind.
4. Put Up New Signage
Is your store visible enough to anyone driving by? If not, you might want to consider putting up a new sign, whether that’s a classy monument sign at the front of your store’s property or a pylon sign that towers above your building. The sign should fit in with your store’s surrounding, but it should be bold and noticeable enough so that everyone driving or walking by knows of your existence.
5. Try Paid Marketing
If you haven’t figured out the value of acquiring a new customer, it’s time for you to do that. Someone who enjoys shopping at your store can be counted on to come back for birthdays, Christmas, and other present-giving occasions. Considering how much money they might spend over the course of the year, it’s reasonable to invest some money for paid marketing to get a new customer like that in the first place. When you use paid advertising, it’s important to track the information to make sure you’re coming out ahead.
4 Suggestions for Getting Customers to Buy from You
1. Entertain Children
You sell toys, so obviously children love coming to your store. But they would love it even more if you allowed them to play with some of the toys. Can you imagine how much better parents feel about buying a toy when they’ve seen that their child really enjoys it? Whether you’re putting out play sand, figurines, or puzzles, kids will love trying it out.
2. Offer Refreshments
The more time customers spend browsing your store, the more likely they are to buy something from you. Fortunately, getting people to stay isn’t rocket science. Make them feel comfortable, offer your assistance, and provide them with refreshments.
3. Hold In-Store Sales and Events
Your customers already enjoy buying from you, but now that you’re having a sale or special in-store event, they might be even more motivated. To ensure that your sale turns out to be a big success, you should set it up a few weeks in advance and spread the word as much as possible.
4. Offer a Unique Selection
You don’t want to try to compete with big retailers on price. Instead, you want to differentiate your by stocking high-quality, unique toys. Fortunately, you’re already at the right place. At License 2 Play, we’ll provide you with the toys your customers want to buy.