NEW YORK, May 1, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- License-2-Play, LLC today announced the release of Fake News / Real News, a fast-paced card game of fake news and alternative facts to commemorate the 100th day of the Trump administration. Utilizing hundreds of real quotes from key players in the Trump presidential campaign and the early weeks of his administration, the game mixes in "fake quotes" and challenges players to decipher the real statements from the fake ones and determine which member of the administration said them.
"What we love about Fake News / Real News is that it brings people together of all political persuasions to enjoy a fun, topical, easy-to-learn game that will generate lots of laughs and engaging discussions," explained Jayson Esterow, president of License-2-Play, the exclusive distributor of Fake News / Real News. "The presidential campaign was so gripping that we thought what better way to break the tension than with a fun-filled, non-partisan card game that celebrates the words and quotes of the 2016 presidential election cycle and current administration. The game is a great gift for anyone who is even mildly tuned in to today's political environment and even if you're not plugged in you will still enjoy the hilarious interaction among players as they read the quotes and make their decisions as to what's real and what's fake."
Fake News / Real News:
The Game of Fake News and Alternative Facts was inspired by the historic, unpredictable, and highly quotable 2016 presidential campaign. The game includes hundreds of real newsworthy quotes from last year's campaign and the first few weeks of the new administration along with fake news quotes that are entirely fabricated. It challenges up to six players or teams of players to determine which quotes are fake and which ones are real, and who said them. The quotes are from seven current members of the administration including the President, Vice President, White House Press Secretary, Chief of Staff, Counselor to the President, Chief Strategist, and Secretary of Department of Housing and Urban Development. The game will make its retail debut on Amazon.com Saturday, April 29th to mark the 100th day of the Trump administration. It will then be made available nationally at retailers including Barnes & Noble, Hudson News, and hundreds of independent book, gift and game stores.
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