Your retail store visitors already love iFLYsmart hygiene kits and items because of their ease-of-use while running errands and traveling plus their protective properties against potentially harmful germs. But, did you know they can be useful for your business as well? Find out how these handy products can help add protection for your team, increase your productivity, and boost your sales!
Protecting Your Employees From the Public
The first way iFLYsmart items can benefit your company is by keeping your employees safe from germs while working with the public or fellow co-workers. In addition to reducing the spread of COVID-19, protective items such as face masks, hand sanitizer, gloves, and wipes have been shown to help prevent contracting or transmitting other viruses like influenza. Try setting up our individually wrapped disposable iFLYsmart face mask boxes at building entrances, the employee work areas, and breakrooms for employees working closely with the public or other team members to use to reduce their risk of sharing or picking up potentially harmful viruses, especially while face mask mandates are in place.
Employee Grab-N-Go Packs When PPE is Left at Home
Some employees may prefer to use more germ-fighting power in the form of gloves and hand sanitizer in order to feel comfortable at work. However, in rushing out the door in the morning, your team members may occasionally forget their supply of PPE. Therefore, an easy way to keep your team focused on work and not on germs is to have quick grab packets like our iFLYsmart Germ-Free kit that includes one face mask, one antibacterial hand gel (30 ml), and one pair of disposable gloves.
Quick Sanitizing of Hard Surfaces
Hand out or sell the iFLYsmart Smart Clean kits to your team to reduce germ transmission in between cleanings when consumers sneeze on hard surfaces such as phones, purses, countertops, or cash registers. These kits come with a pair of gloves, a pack of antiseptic wipes (8-count), two face masks that could be worn by two employees at that station, and a headrest cover that could be used for errand runs in the car.
Running Errands for the Team
Speaking of errands, there are many times team members may have to run out for coffee, lunch, or like items for business meetings and working lunches. The iFLYsmart Clean kits offer the right amount of hygienic items to offer your employee peace-of-mind while performing company errands, particularly with a shared company car. With this packet, individuals can wipe down door handles, steering wheels, seats, turn signals, radio dials, and gear shifts using the included wipes and gloves both before and after company car use. The headrest will also work to limit the exposure to potentially harmful bacteria and may be easily tossed in the trash once the car has been returned.
Work-Related Road Trips
Need more protection for longer road trips? The iFLYsmart Clean kits are the ideal size for the glove compartment or small spaces. All hygiene care items fit neatly into a compact case so your team will not struggle to find a place for clunky PPE boxes and bottles.
Business Airplane Travel
During the COVID-19 pandemic, it may be unnerving for some team members to visit client sites and attend lectures with airplane travel. The iFLYsmart Healthy kits can ease that tension by offering protection against germs on hands and hard surfaces, airborne particles, and headrest bacteria much like the iFLYsmart Clean kits. However, the iFLYsmart Healthy kits also include a clean pair of earplugs, lip moisturizer, and sleep mask for the ultimate calming flight experience!
Create a Soothing Clean Environment for Employees & Consumers
It may seem an added step to include these iFLYsmart items in your office or store. However, sometimes, it's the small things that make the biggest differences in the overall tone of your team. Not only does a comfortable workspace make employees work more productively, but consumers also pick up signs of team satisfaction and confidence. Therefore, the happier your employees, the better your chances of boosting your sales and reviews!
Thus, when you are searching for ways to build an attractive reputation for high-quality service and products among both your company team members and the public, the iFLYsmart products can help! If you do not have an account with License 2 Play yet and you would like to order your wholesale iFLYsmart items to sell or provide to your employees, simply complete our registration form and email your Sale Tax Resale Certificate to us at sales@license-2-play.com. Register TODAY!