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Wholesale Poonicorn Fuzzy Flips 12 Inch Reversible Plush Assortment | 00930

Item Number : 00930

UPC : 856330009301

Character Type : Poonicorn

Manufacturer : License 2 Play Toys

Poonicorn Fuzzy Flips 12 Inch Reversible Plush Assortment

Poonicorn Reversible Plush! One Side Egg and One Side Poonicorn! Unicorn + Emoji poop = poonicorns!

  • Poonicorn fuzzy flips - reversible plush stuffed poo-unicorns start out as a rainbow egg and form the perfect Poonicorn when flipped inside out
  • Soft plush stuffed Emoji character comes in purple, lime green, Orange, pink and blue.
  • Makes a great pillow for travel and fun!

**Not Available for Third-Party Sellers**